Toronto Pedal and Synth Expo
2019-10-23 news toronto in-person
I'll be exhibiting at the Toronto Pedal and Synth Expo on November 9 and 10, 2019. Drop by to try out North Coast modules in person and pick up a sticker and a discount code.
This event is being described by its organizers as "free with RSVP." I'll also be at the Toronto Sound Festival later in November, and I'm a sponsor of the Tokyo Festival of Modular but won't be attending in person; stay tuned for postings about those events.
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MSK 008 Dual VC Octave Switch
US$191.37 including shipping
Thanks for sponsoring TFOM! Wish you were gonna be there.
Ben - 2019-10-24Hi Mathew, we chatted briefly at the TPSE. Looking forward to seeing you at the TSF. Cheers!
Clayton - 2019-11-17