Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Toronto Pedal and Synth Expo


I'll be exhibiting at the Toronto Pedal and Synth Expo on November 9 and 10, 2019.  Drop by to try out North Coast modules in person and pick up a sticker and a discount code.

banner for the Toronto Pedal and Synth Expo

This event is being described by its organizers as "free with RSVP."  I'll also be at the Toronto Sound Festival later in November, and I'm a sponsor of the Tokyo Festival of Modular but won't be attending in person; stay tuned for postings about those events.

The Truth About Ferrite Beads Will Shock You || Three suggested systems

MSK 008 Dual VC Octave Switch

MSK 008 Dual VC Octave Switch

US$191.37 including shipping


Thanks for sponsoring TFOM! Wish you were gonna be there.
Ben - 2019-10-24
Hi Mathew, we chatted briefly at the TPSE. Looking forward to seeing you at the TSF. Cheers!
Clayton - 2019-11-17
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