Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Coiler VCF

Outrunning the Noise Bear

Somewhere in the far North, in fact on the North Coast, the Tenderfoot module was new in town, and a grizzled old A-110-1 was showing him around. As they passed the Rack Brute Saloon, the old timer warned the newcomer about the Noise Bear. READ MORE

Smith chart by projection

I want to use a Smith chart in an upcoming article here, but it occurs to me that most readers probably aren't familiar with them. Smith charts don't come up very often in audio, being mostly an RF thing. So as with complex numbers, I'm posting this separate article to introduce Smith charts, and then I can refer back to it when I use them later. READ MORE

Why you need complex numbers

I plan to use complex numbers in an upcoming article, and I thought I'd better post some introductory material about them first. Of course, there are many introductions to complex numbers on the Net already and there may not be much new I can say; so rather than focusing on what complex numbers are, which you can find almost anywhere, I thought I'd come in from a different direction and talk about why you should care about them. READ MORE

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