Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Coiler VCF

Where is that site?

There's a lot of talk right now about international trade. Everyone wants to know where the things they buy come from. But do you know where the Web pages you visit are really located? This tool can help you find out where you're actually connecting to when you visit a Web site. READ MORE

Opening the envelope

Quick: which module is most important in defining the sound of your modular synthesizer? READ MORE

AoC 2024 in ECLiPSe-CLP

This year a friend challenged me to do the Advent of Code challenge (AoC) in Prolog. This is a sort of test of software engineering skills: the organizers of the project post a series of puzzles, two per day from December 1 to December 25. It's not the kind of thing I usually do and not the kind of thing I usually post here; but I thought it would be fun to try once, and having put in the work, I'd like to get as much value from it as possible - so I'm posting my solutions and some notes about them here. If you're coming to this page from a software engineering source, I hope you'll stick around and take a look at my products before leaving the site. READ MORE

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