Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Free EDA software rundown

The MSK 008 Octave Switch is planned to launch tomorrow and I've already posted the manual; so I thought it would be fun for this week's Web log entry to introduce some of the software tools I use for producing, and especially for documenting, module designs. My designs are free, my roots are in the free software community and my values emphasize all aspects of free speech, and so I try to stick to free software in running my operation. The title says EDA software ("Electronic Design Automation") but in fact this list covers some other engineering functions too, that people don't usually think of as EDA. READ MORE

Reality check: HP

Modular hobbyists love to invent fantasy modules. We'll sit down and sketch out just exactly the modules we wish we had in our racks, and then either show the mock-up images to their friends and leave it at that, or take it a little more seriously and try to actually build and sell our dream modules. All good clean fun. READ MORE

Post-launch thoughts

The shop has been open a few days.  Response hasn't been all that I hoped it would be.  There was a burst of traffic on the first day, but not the level of third-party referrals, social sharing, and in particular sales that I was hoping for.  It's early days, though, and predictable and somewhat deliberate that this first product is not my most popular one.  To some extent only people who have Mutable Clouds modules, or who are doing "generative" melodic patches, need this many smooth independent sine waves, and how many people is that? READ MORE

Launching the Web shop

This is it! After many delays I'm happy to finally cut the virtual ribbon and open this Web shop. READ MORE


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